Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Royal Teas with Grace and Style by Eileen Shafer

Royal Teas with Grace and Style by Eileen Shafer

Royal Teas with Grace and Style

Royal Teas with Grace and Style by Eileen Shafer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In Royal Teas with Grace & Style, Eileen Shafer guides us through hosting and serving a proper afternoon tea fit for a queen with more than 50 recipes for savories, sweets and teatime beverages.

Royal Teas with Grace & Style will certainly add to your enthusiasm for this time-honored tradition with step-by-step guidelines including: Tidbits of Tea History, Tea Varieties, Preparing Tea, Selecting Invitations, Planning a Tea Menu, Setting a Beautiful Tea Table and much more.

Tea quotes and sayings by many famous authors and poets offer many delightful expressions of their steadfast love of teatime traditions.

Award winning photographer, Thomas Rouse, captures the essence of teatime in more than 30 color photographs.

Anna Griffin's artwork and engraved designs are recognized around the world, truly portraying the grace and elegance associated with the hour that embraces afternoon tea.

Royal Teas with Grace & Style is intended for tea lovers of any age.

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