Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Bill Evans - 19 Arrangements for Solo Piano by Bill Evans, Andy LaVerne

Bill Evans - 19 Arrangements for Solo Piano by Bill Evans, Andy LaVerne

Bill Evans - 19 Arrangements for Solo Piano

Bill Evans - 19 Arrangements for Solo Piano by Bill Evans, Andy LaVerne PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

(Piano Solo). This exceptional songbook presents Bill Evans' most beloved melodies and songs arranged by noted jazz pianist/educator Andy LaVerne, himself a student of Evans. Titles include: Bill's Hit Tune * Children's Play Song * For Nenette (in both C and Do) * Laurie * Letter to Evan * One for Helen * Only Child * Orbit * Peace Piece * Show-Type Tune * Time Remembered * Turn Out the Stars * Very Early * Walkin' Up * Waltz for Debby * Your Story * and more. Features a reminiscence by LaVerne, with performance notes on his adaptations.

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