Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ The League of Protectors: Fire and Ice (New Age of Heroes Shorts) by Christian Green

The League of Protectors: Fire and Ice (New Age of Heroes Shorts) by Christian Green

The League of Protectors: Fire and Ice (New Age of Heroes Shorts)

The League of Protectors: Fire and Ice (New Age of Heroes Shorts) by Christian Green PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Being a superhero isn't easy, especially when you're still in college. Since the battle in Washington, a little over a year ago, the Post Human crime rate has increased dramatically. The crime-fighting duo Shayne Tucker and Jackson Prescott, have been tasked with the arduous mission of bringing down some of the local criminals. The first few battles prove to be less than challenging for the duo. Things change quickly however, when a new threat determined to change the world emerges. Shayne and Jackson find themselves thrown into a world they are ill prepared for and must rely on one another if they are to survive.

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