Senin, 17 November 2014

PDF⋙ Nicole's Revenge (Black Lace) by Lisette Allen

Nicole's Revenge (Black Lace) by Lisette Allen

Nicole's Revenge (Black Lace)

Nicole's Revenge (Black Lace) by Lisette Allen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It is September 1792 and France is in the throes of violent revolution. Nicole Chabrier came to Paris four years earlier to seek fame and fortune with the Paris Opera, but now her life is in danger from the hordes who are venting their anger on the decadent aristocracy. Rescued by a handsome stranger who has been badly wronged by the nobility, Nicole soon becomes ruled by her passion for this man. Together they seek a reversal of fortune using their charm, good looks, and sexual magnetism. Against an explosive background of turmoil and danger, Nicole and her lover enjoy some explosions of their own!

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