Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Ozarks by David Fitzgerald

Ozarks by David Fitzgerald


Ozarks by David Fitzgerald PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From the front flap: The Ozarks is a region that conjures up images of special beauty - a hazy afternoon sun playing across endless ridge tops, isolated valleys, cool hollows, splashing creeks and waterfalls, dogwood blooming in the spring, and hardwood forests putting on a "Flaming Fall Revue." Geographically a part of four states - Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas - the region is set apart by the steep eroded valleys of the Ozark Plateau and blessed with an abundance of springs, caves, and sinkholes.This book includes the scenic splendor of places such as the Buffalo River from Goat Trail, Big Spring discharging 276 million gallons daily, and wondrous Johnson Shut-ins.

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